(208) 881-5351 Appointment

Tummy Tuck in Idaho Falls, ID

Idaho Falls, ID, Tummy Tuck with Matthew Hagan MD

Tighten, Tone, Transform

At Matthew Hagan, MD in Idaho Falls Tummy Tuck procedures addresses abdominal issues like sagging skin, loss of elasticity, and weakened fascia between the abdominal muscles, known as rectus diastasis. Often, these concerns are the result of pregnancy or significant weight loss. Dr. Matthew Hagan’s expertise ensures a tailored approach to alleviate these concerns, restoring a more contoured, firm, and youthful abdominal profile.

What is an Tummy Tuck?

Understanding Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck, or an "Abdominoplasty", is a surgical procedure crafted to reshape and tone the abdomen. Ideal candidates, often those who've undergone significant weight loss or pregnancy, may experience loose abdominal skin and weakened muscle fascia, leading to a sagging or protruding appearance.

Mini-Tummy Tuck

Patients with minimal loose skin in the lower abdomen may be candidates for a Mini Tummy Tuck, which uses a smaller incision to reduce and lift excess skin for a flatter stomach contour.

Standard Tummy Tuck

Individuals who have a significant amount of loose skin and accompanying issues like lax abdominal muscles may benefit from a standard Tummy Tuck. A long, low incision is created from one hip to the other, where it can be concealed under most swimwear and undergarments. Excess skin is reduced, and the abdominal muscles are tightened for a firmer, flatter core.

Extended Tummy Tuck

The extended tummy tuck is recommended for patients with loose skin that extends into the flanks (love handles). Similar to a standard Tummy Tuck, this procedure involves a longer scar. Excess fat around the flanks is typically addressed through liposuction during the Tummy Tuck.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

The reverse Tummy Tuck addresses similar concerns as other tummy tucks, but is ideal for patients with laxity in the upper abdomen. This procedure not only tightens the upper abdominal muscles, but excises skin in that area through an incision that is concealed under the breast fold.

Idaho Falls Tummy Tuck Model smiling

What are the benefits of Tummy Tuck?

Tailored to You

Eliminate sagging skin or the protruding effect caused by weakened abdominal muscles with an Tummy Tuck. A tummy tuck refines your silhouette, promoting a positive body image and improved clothing fit. For optimal results, tummy tuck surgery is ideal for healthy adults within their normal weight range, specifically those with concentrated midsection fat and loose abdominal skin. With Dr. Hagan, the procedure becomes highly individualized, addressing each patient's unique concerns.

Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

Revolutionizing Body Confidence

During your consultation, Dr. Matthew Hagan assesses your abdomen, learns more about your aesthetic goals, and creates a personalized Tummy Tuck plan. By removing excess fat and sagging skin, coupled with the tightening of underlying muscles, Dr. Hagan aims to unveil a more slender and aesthetically pleasing midsection. We will educate you about options and techniques suitable for your goals to ensure you can make well-informed decisions about your care.

Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

Revolutionizing Body Confidence

On your procedure day, general anesthesia is administered for your comfort. A Tummy Tuck usually takes around two to three hours to perform. Surgical techniques may include lifting the abdominal skin above the navel, strengthening vertical muscles, and repositioning the navel. Liposuction can be incorporated for enhanced contouring.

Tummy Tuck Results

A Stronger You

Choosing a Tummy Tuck with Dr. Hagan offers remarkable and enduring outcomes. Expect a redefined waistline, a tighter and firmer abdomen, and a more balanced body contour. The profound transformation achieved often results in a substantial boost in self-confidence as patients relish their newly streamlined silhouette. To learn more about a Tummy Tuck Idaho falls patients should setup a consultation today!

Tummy Tuck Recovery and Aftercare

Contours of Confidence

Effective postoperative care is pivotal for successful surgical outcomes. Guided by Dr. Hagan, patients receive comprehensive recovery instructions covering wound care, compression wear, activity adjustments, and indications of potential complications. Dr. Hagan is dedicated to facilitating a seamless recovery, scheduling follow-up visits to monitor healing, evaluate comfort levels, and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

Idaho Falls Tummy Tuck Dr. Matthews Hagan with patient

Tummy Tuck
Frequently Asked Questions

Some discomfort and mild pain can be expected during the initial stages of Tummy Tuck recovery. However, Dr. Hagan employs various pain management strategies, including prescribed medications, to alleviate any postoperative pain. Following the recommended recovery guidelines, including rest and limited physical activity, is essential to enhance the overall healing process and minimize discomfort. As the recovery progresses, most patients find that the initial discomfort gradually diminishes, leading to an improved and more comfortable state.

While Tummy Tuck is not primarily a weight-loss procedure, it can enhance body contours by removing excess skin and fat. The focus is on reshaping and tightening the abdomen. Ideal candidates are individuals near their target weight with concerns about loose abdominal skin and weakened muscles.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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