(208) 881-5351 Appointment

Facial Plastic Surgery in Idaho Falls, ID

Facial Plastic Surgery with Matthew Hagan MD FACS

Redefining Confidence

All of us love to put our best face forward. There’s a feeling of confidence when we know we look our best that just can’t be imitated. Jackson Hole and Idaho Falls Facial Plastic Surgery expert Dr. Matthew Hagan is renowned for his empathetic approach and exquisitely natural-looking facial plastic surgery results. A double-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hagan offers a full menu of facial aesthetic surgery procedures to help you realize your most confident and vibrant future. Thanks to advancements in plastic surgery techniques, it has become more achievable than ever to attain your ideal look.

What is Facial Plastic Surgery?

From Subtle to Significant

Facial plastic surgery allows us to fine-tune our appearance to enhance the youthfulness, proportions, contours, and overall harmony of the face. From subtle to significant transformations, each facial aesthetic procedure is designed according to the patient’s unique aesthetic preferences, natural anatomy, and medical needs to facilitate optimally beneficial outcomes.

Idaho Falls Facial Plastic Surgery Model with black hair

What are the benefits of Facial Plastic Surgery?

Precise & Comprehensive

Facial plastic surgery offers optimal transformation potential with substantial effects and permanent results. Because Facial Plastic Surgery includes a broad spectrum of personalized procedures, it also offers an extensive range of benefits. Facial aesthetic surgery can be applied to:

  • Refine facial contours
  • Improve facial proportions
  • Enhance facial feature definition or volume
  • Rejuvenate individual areas or the whole face

Facial plastic surgery procedures can be tailored to suit your needs, with varying degrees of extensiveness and precise options for specific facial concerns. Matthew Hagan offers a full compliment of facial aesthetic options.

Rejuvenating Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

  • Brow Lift
  • Facelift & neck lift
  • Facial fat grafting for signs of aging
  • Blepharoplasty for signs of aging around the eyes

Sculpting Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Otoplasty
  • Chin augmentation
  • Blepharoplasty for heavy or drooping eyelids
  • Facial fat grafting for cheek, lip, and jawline enhancement

Your Facial Plastic Surgery Consultation

An Optimistic Outlook

During your consultation, Dr. Hagan will assess your concerns, desires, and medical history to determine if Facial plastic surgery can provide you with the best experience and outcome. Together, you will discuss each available option to create a detailed and personalized treatment plan. Dr. Hagan will be happy to answer any and all of your questions to help you make a fully informed decision and undergo surgery confidently and optimistically.

Your Facial Plastic Surgery Procedure

An Impeccable Experience

Depending on the details of your procedure, your aesthetic procedure may be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. Similarly, the details and duration of your surgery will depend on the extent of your treatment plan. In most cases, Facial plastic surgery is outpatient, so you will need to arrange for a close friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure.

Facial Plastic Surgery Results

Long-Lasting Confidence

After receiving Facial plastic surgery Idaho Falls patients may experience results that are long-lasting, with many patients achieving their ideal outcome with a single treatment. However, follow-up procedures, in-office skin treatments, and a personalized skincare regimen can all help to maintain your most vibrant and authentic confidence.

Idaho Falls Facial Plastic Surgery Model with blonde hair
Idaho Falls Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan with patient

Facial Plastic Surgery Recovery and Aftercare

With You
Every Step Of The Way

During the planning phase of your treatment, Dr. Hagan will provide you with all of the details and resources you need for a smooth and comfortable recovery. Throughout every phase of your care, we will be by your side to ensure your best overall experience and highest quality results.

Facial Plastic Surgery
Frequently Asked Questions

While Facial plastic surgery procedures generally offer the most substantial transformations, some of the most impactful procedures include facelift, neck lift, rhinoplasty, browlift, and blepharoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is the most popular Facial plastic surgery procedure. Because the nose is central to the face and has a significant impact on overall facial proportions and harmony, subtle changes in this area can greatly enhance the overall appearance of the face.

The best age to undergo Facial plastic surgery depends on the goals of the patient. For patients seeking surgical rejuvenation, it is generally best to seek treatment when signs of aging become moderately advanced to allow for substantial effects and longer-lasting results.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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