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Breast Augmentation in Idaho Falls, ID

Breast Augmentation with Dr. Matthew Hagan

Beyond Expectations

Dr. Matthew Hagan, a double board-certified plastic surgeon with artistic expertise, creates personalized Breast Augmentation plans that will give you your ideal results. Achieve harmony and balance with comprehensive consultations, advanced techniques, and unwavering support. Embark on your body transformation journey with Dr. Hagan, shaping confidence one beautiful enhancement at a time.

What is a Breast Augmentation?

Contours of Beauty

At Matthew Hagan, MD in Idaho Falls Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances breast size and shape using implants or fat transfer, resulting in renewed confidence and body harmony. Implants come in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to customize your sought after outcome. Whether seeking subtle enhancement or significant correction, breast augmentation empowers you to embrace your body's unique potential.

Idaho Falls Breast Augmentation surgeon, Dr. Matthew Hagan pointing at breast implants

What are the benefits of Breast Augmentation?

Beauty and Balance

While many envision enhanced curves and increased confidence, Breast Augmentation offers a spectrum of benefits—restoring volume lost to pregnancy or aging, achieving symmetry, and an overall improvement of self-image. Improved clothing fit, greater intimacy and body appreciation, as well as a boost in self-esteem are some other transformative effects. Ultimately, breast augmentation empowers you to embrace your authentic self, both inside and out.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

The Perfect Curves

Dr. Matthew Hagan invites you to a personalized consultation where he dedicates his time and expertise to understanding your unique vision and sculpting a path to achieving it . No two journeys are alike. Dr. Hagan designs an individualized plan that aligns with your goals, body type, and long-term vision. Using the Vectra 3D —a three dimensional picture simulates your potential results to determine the right size and shape of your breasts for your physique. With an individualized approach, Dr. Hagan can focus on achieving your desired outcomes.

Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast Augmentation Possibilities

When receiving their Breast Augmentation Idaho Falls patients will receive general anesthesia to ensure their comfort throughout the procedure, lasting about two to three hours. Right before your procedure, Dr. Hagan outlines your natural contours with a marker before making incisions, guiding implant placement. Typically, silicone implants are inserted through a small incision along the inframammary fold, often positioned below the chest muscle for a natural feel. Dr. Hagan evaluates breast symmetry and overall appearance before closing the incision, considering your preferences expressed during planning. After the procedure, you'll recover in a designated area until the anesthesia wears off, and you'll need assistance for the initial 24 hours, requiring someone to drive you home and provide support.

Breast Augmentation Results

Enhance, Empower, Elevate

Witnessing the full results of breast augmentation varies, with initial changes noticeable soon after surgery. Long-term maintenance involves regular check-ups, monitoring for changes, and maintaining a stable weight. A supportive bra may be recommended for optimal results. Open communication with Dr. Hagan ensures a seamless post-treatment journey, promoting enduring satisfaction with your enhanced breasts.

Breast Augmentation Recovery & Aftercare

A New Chapter

Outcomes may take several weeks as swelling subsides and the implants settle into their final position. After the procedure expect some downtime, avoid strenuous activities, and ensure adequate rest. Patients should refrain from specific actions to promote healing, such as lifting heavy objects and rigorous exercises. Incision care is crucial. It is imperative to follow the provided instructions to achieve the best outcomes.

Idaho Falls Breast Augmentation Model with black hair

Breast Augmentation
Frequently Asked Questions

There are various implant options, including silicone and saline. During the consultation, Dr. Matthew Hagan will discuss the pros and cons of each, helping you choose the type, size, and shape that aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Recovery time varies, but most patients can return to normal activities within a week. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks, allowing the body to heal and achieve optimal results.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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