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Breast Lift in Idaho Falls, ID

Breast Lift with Dr. Matthew Hagan MD FACS

Restore Your Youthful Contours

Youthful, lifted breasts beautifully complement your body’s natural proportions, delivering an overall sculpted appearance and enhanced confidence. For patients who feel their breasts sit too low on the chest wall or have lost volume in the upper poles, a breast lift offers a personalized solution with lasting results. Idaho Falls Breast Lift patients can achieve an exceptional treatment experience and impeccably natural breast lift with double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan.

What is a Breast Lift?

Elevate Your Aesthetic

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to raise the breasts’ position on the chest wall and restore youthful contours by removing excess skin and shaping underlying tissue. Through carefully placed incisions (usually in the lower portion of the breast), the interior tissue is lifted upward to reduce the appearance of sagging, enhance firmness, and restore fullness in the upper pole.

A breast lift can include a variety of techniques to address various concerns, such as nipple location, areola size, and breast asymmetry. While a breast lift can be achieved using only natural tissue, it can also be combined with breast augmentation for enhanced volume.

Idaho Falls Breast Lift Model with brown hair

What are the benefits of a Breast Lift?

Shape Your Best Future

A breast lift is a rejuvenating procedure allowing various cosmetic adjustments according to the individual’s anatomy and treatment goals. It is ideal for virtually any patient concerned about breast laxity, including patients who have been pregnant or who have undergone significant weight loss.

Based on your ideal outcome, after receiving a Breast lift Idaho Falls patients may experience such potential advantages as:

  • Improved shape
  • Improved volume
  • Areola reduction
  • Increased firmness
  • Improved symmetry
  • Long-lasting results
  • Improved breast shape
  • Enhanced nipple projection
  • Reduced chafing and irritation
  • Diminished neck and back pain
  • Reduced appearance of sagging
  • Elevated position of the breasts on the chest wall
  • Increased volume when performed alongside breast augmentation

Breast lift surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing for an optimally comfortable recovery.

Your Breast Lift Consultation

Precise Care. Ideal Results.

During your consultation, Dr. Hagan will perform a thorough assessment of your concerns, anatomy, and medical history to create a detailed treatment plan. Together, you will discuss all available options to ensure optimally precise care and ideal results. With an exceptionally empathetic and patient-focused approach, Dr. Hagan focuses on alleviating your concerns and helping you achieve your aesthetic desires. Utilizing the Vectra 3D technology, we create a three-dimensional image to visualize potential breast lift results tailored to your physique. The Vectra 3D can also demonstrate the difference between a Breast lift and what it will look like with adding an augmentation to the lift. With a personalized approach, Dr. Hagan can precisely target your desired outcomes for optimal size and shape, ensuring results that complement your individuality.

Your Breast Lift Procedure

Revitalized Confidence

A Breast lift typically involves several key steps. First, general anesthesia will be administered to ensure complete comfort throughout the surgery. Dr. Hagan will then make a strategically placed incision, usually in a keyhole or anchor shape, to minimize scarring. From there, he will remove excess skin and reshape and lift the breast tissue to a higher position. If you have chosen a breast lift with implants, Dr. Hagan will place your selected implant. To enhance the longevity of your result, Dr. Hagan typically recommends placing Galaflex, colloquially known as an absorbable internal bra, at the time of surgery for added soft tissue support of the new breast shape.

Additional Reading

If you elect this procedure, he will place the Galaflex material during your procedure. Depending on your personalized treatment plan, Dr. Hagan may reposition the nipple and resize or reshape the areola for aesthetic balance. Lastly, he will tighten the remaining skin to create a firmer contour before closing your incisions. As soon as you awake from surgery, you can head home with detailed postoperative care instructions. You will need to make arrangements for a close friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure and stay with you for the first day or two.

Breast Lift Results

Youthfully Sculpted

With beautifully, youthfully sculpted breasts, you will be able to live your most comfortable and confident life. Breast lift results are considered permanent, as the removed tissue is gone for good. However, if you choose to combine your Breast lift with implants, it is important to note that most breast implants last 10-15 years, at which point they may need to be removed or replaced. Breast lifts do not stop the aging process moving forward, but they do turn back the clock on your appearance.

Breast Lift Recovery and Aftercare

Ongoing Care

It is essential that you rest and allow your body to heal after your breast lift. Most patients return to work within a week or two and full daily activities within two to three weeks. If you have young children, you will need to arrange for someone to help you care for them until you are cleared to resume full activity. In most cases, Breast lift patients are able to return to strenuous activities and exercise after six weeks. Throughout every phase of your treatment and recovery Dr. Hagan will be there to ensure your best experience and outcome. It is important that you attend each of your follow-up appointments and follow your recovery care instructions closely to ensure that you achieve your best possible results.

Idaho Falls Breast Lift Model with blonde hair

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Frequently Asked Questions

In most cases, Breast lift surgery is not covered by insurance. During your consultation, we will provide you with all of your options to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

A Breast lift essentially resets the clock on signs of aging in the breasts. While your body will continue to age, signs of aging will be permanently reduced. This aging process can be further slowed down by considering options like Galaflex, which creates an absorbable “internal bra” to encourage your body to maintain breast position after a breast lift.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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