(208) 881-5351 Appointment

Gynecomastia Surgery in Idaho Falls, ID

Idaho Falls Gynecomastia Surgery with Dr. Matthew Hagan, FACS

Masculine by Definition

Dr. Matthew Hagan offers compassionate and transformative care for Gynecomastia Surgery patients. Whether caused by hormonal changes, medications, or other factors, gynecomastia affects many men. In some cases, the condition is temporary, but in other cases, surgical correction may be an option. Dr. Hagan customizes his approach to each patient's unique needs. With expertise in liposuction and tissue excision, he delivers exceptional results, addressing fatty tissue, glandular tissue, or sagging skin. Rediscover confidence with Dr. Hagan's dedicated and understanding approach to your procedure of Gynecomastia Surgery in Idaho Falls.

What is Gynecomastia?

A Weight Off Your Chest

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of glandular tissue and excess fat in male breasts. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions. Gynecomastia may result in excess breast tissue and excess skin causing self-consciousness and impacting confidence.

Dr. Matthew Hagan offers surgical solutions at his practice in Idaho Falls to address gynecomastia, providing tailored procedures to reduce breast size, enhance chest contours, and restore confidence. Through personalized consultations, Dr. Hagan guides patients toward effective Gynecomastia treatments that align with their aesthetic goals, ensuring a comfortable and satisfying experience.

Idaho Falls Gynecomastia Surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan sitting at desk

What are the benefits of Gynecomastia surgery?

Be Seen

At Mathew Hagan, MD in Idaho Falls Gynecomastia Surgery offers a range of benefits, addressing both physical and emotional aspects. This procedure can effectively reduce excess breast tissue, restoring a more masculine chest contour. Patients often experience improved self-confidence and body image, leading to enhanced well-being.

The surgery aims to alleviate the social discomfort and emotional distress associated with gynecomastia, promoting a renewed sense of self-assurance. Dr. Matthew Hagan, a double-board-certified plastic surgeon in Idaho Falls, specializes in Gynecomastia Surgery, providing personalized treatment plans to meet individual needs. With a focus on patient satisfaction, Dr. Hagan ensures that each procedure delivers optimal results, empowering patients to embrace a more confident and fulfilling life.

Your Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation

Expert Care

Dr. Hagan ensures a thorough and supportive consultation process. During your consultation, Dr. Hagan will listen to your concerns, conduct a comprehensive assessment, and devise a personalized treatment plan to address your aesthetic goals. Take the first step towards achieving your desired chest contour and renewed self-assurance by scheduling a Gynecomastia Surgery consultation in Idaho Falls with Dr. Matthew Hagan.

Your Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Dr. Hagan's Specialized Approach

Dr. Hagan employs general anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery. There are three surgical approaches based on your tissue composition. Liposuction is utilized for fatty tissue, while liposuction with glandular tissue excision is performed for a combination of both. In cases of significant chest volume and sagging skin, an incision around the areola is made for tissue removal and skin tightening..

Gynecomastia Surgery Results

Revitalize Your Look

After your Idaho Falls Gynecomastia Surgery with Dr. Matthew Hagan, initial results are noticeable once the swelling subsides, typically within a few weeks. Full results emerge over the following months as the body adjusts. Incisions are placed carefully to minimize visible scarring, and the line will fade and flatten over time, blending in with the surrounding skin. Gynecomastia surgery patients enjoy a more masculine, flat chest profile, reducing self-consciousness, opening up more clothing options, and leading to better physical comfort.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery and Aftercare

Sculpting Confidence

During your recovery after receiving Gynecomastia Surgery Idaho Falls patients should avoid strenuous activities and follow the post-treatment care guidelines provided by Dr. Hagan. Proper incision care and scar prevention measures are essential for optimal healing. While individual experiences may vary, maintaining a healthy lifestyle contributes to sustained results. Regular follow-ups with Dr. Hagan ensure ongoing support and guidance for long-term satisfaction.

Idaho Falls Gynecomastia Surgery model wearing sun glasses

Gynecomastia Surgery
Frequently Asked Questions

Gynecomastia can be caused by hormonal changes, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, or a combination of factors. Dr. Matthew Hagan will assess your individual case during the consultation to determine the specific cause.

Some discomfort is normal after gynecomastia surgery, but Dr. Hagan uses techniques to minimize pain. Pain medication and post-operative care instructions will be provided to manage any discomfort during the recovery process.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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